The History Teachers' Association of Western Australia
We are running an Online Revision Seminars for Year 11 students on Nazism in Germany It is Online and will not be recorded
DATE: Saturday 19th October 2024
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm
Please see here from more
Date: Friday 8th November 2024
Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and Elections @ 5.00pm) Venue: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn
Refreshments Provided!
A chance to meet discuss the latest on the
curriculum, The Exam & any other issues concerning the teaching of History
financial members are welcome to nominate for
positions & vote
Do you want to teach Ancient History in upper school? Have you been (or are you going to be) thrown into teaching upper school Ancient History and need a life raft? Do you want to know more about teaching Ancient History to Year 7 and need some ideas? Whether you are a Pre Service Teacher, a Grad or an you’ve been teaching for years, THIS IS THE ANCIENT HISTORY PL FOR YOU.
A combination of online popup PL’s and face to face workshops and presentations will be run this year to support ALL teachers of Ancient History.
COST PER SESSION: FREE for members $10 non-members.
Certification of completion (aligned to AITSL standards) of the series of PL’s will be provided for participants.
Term 3
Week 4 (7/8/24) content and resources Register
Week 6 (24/8/24) Lectures at UWA with presentations from UWA Ancient History lecturers, visiting Archaeologists and WA Museum Specialists.
Guest lecturer Dr Jose Galen will speak about his work in Theban tombs in Egypt where the 17th and 18th Dynasty pharaohs are buried.
Dr Lara O’Sullivan from UWA, Moya Smith and Heather Tunmore from Boola Bardip and teachers Natasha Tonga and Sally Davies will present a series of workshops and talks on teaching and learning Ancient History content, skills and concepts.
Suitable teachers of years 7 to 12
Week 9 (12/9/24) skills and resources to teach these. Register Here
Term 4
Week 4 (31/10/24) content and resources Register Here
week 8 (28/11/24) programming and resources to teach with. Register Here
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for Year 12 students They will take place at the University of Western Australia, Crawley
and Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 31st August 2024
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here from more details
Date: Wednesday 28 August
Location: Perth College
Time: 4-5pm
Focus: Collaboration session on marking Source Analysis assessments – bring a work sample with you!
Cost: $10 FREE for members
Calling all HASS and History teachers, History enthusiasts and academics! Come along for a morning of judging WA student entries in the
National History Challenge. As well as supporting the National History Challenge, this is an excellent FREE professional learning
opportunity for teachers of levels of experience – come along to judge student entries from all over WA, learn more about the NHC, network
with colleagues, and share insights into how NHC and inquiry are being implemented in other schools.
When: Saturday 7th September, 9am – 12pm
Where: St Andrew’s Grammar, 2 Hellenic Drive, Dianella
Register here. (for catering purposes)
We are running Ancient History Revision Seminars for Year 12 students They will take place at the University of Western Australia,
Crawley and presenters will be covering skills and content for all Year 12 Ancient History courses (Rome Greece Egypt)
DATE: Saturday 24th August 2024
TIME: 9.00am – 12.00pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here from more details
A morning for primary and secondary teachers interested in implementing the National History Challenge this year (or in the future).
The session will include a seminar on this year’s theme ‘Crisis and Response’, and workshops on teaching primary, lower senior, and
upper senior historical inquiry skills.
This is a great learning experience for all history teachers, you don't have to be doing the National History Challenge to benefit.
We will be joined by Neil O'Sullivan,
Senior Lecturer from UWA, who
will discuss the response of the Roman statesman Cicero to the death of his daughter Tullia. Cicero is one of the
most important men in world history, given his prominence in Rome in the last days of the Republic and his voluminous writings which went
on to have enormous influence on later times. These writings contain hundreds of personal letters which give us a unique insight into his
intellectual and emotional life — indeed it has been truly said that we know more about him than any other person from the ancient world.
His reaction to the death of his only daughter and favourite child, shortly after she gave birth, can be traced in his own correspondence
and in other ancient documents.
Do you want to teach Ancient History in upper school? Have you been (or are you going to be) thrown into teaching upper school Ancient History and need a life raft? Do you want to know more about teaching Ancient History to Year 7 and need some ideas? Whether you are a Pre Service Teacher, a Grad or an you’ve been teaching for years, THIS IS THE ANCIENT HISTORY PL FOR YOU.
A combination of online popup PL’s and face to face workshops and presentations will be run this year to support ALL teachers of Ancient History.
COST: FREE TASTER for the first session. After that: Whole series $40 members $60 non-members.
Certification of completion (aligned to AITSL standards) of the series of PL’s will be provided for participants.
Term 2
Week 8 (6/6/24): content and resources
Week 10 (20/6/24): skills and resources to teach these.
Term 3
Week 4 (8/7/24) content and resources
Week 9 (12/9/24) skills and resources to teach these. Register Here
Week 6 (24/8/24) Lectures at UWA with presentations from UWA Ancient History lecturers, visiting Archaeologists and WA Museum Specialists.
Term 4
Week 4 (31/10/24) content and resources Register Here
week 8 (28/11/24) programming and resources to teach with. Register Here
Register here for Session 1 - Free to all
Register here for the Whole Series
DATE: Saturday 15th June 2024
TIME: 9.30am – 11.30am
VENUE: Lakelands SHS
COST: Free to Members or $10 non-members
HTAWA will be running a PL on how practical ideas, resources and strategies to assist HASS/ History teachers for NAIDOC Day.
Details and Registration Here
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for both Year 11 and Year 12 students They will take place in the
Arts Building at UWA and Online
(NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 11th May 2024
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration from 8.30am)
VENUE: University of WA and Online
Tickets also available at the door on the day
DATE: Saturday 11th May 2024
TIME: 10.00am – 11.30am
VENUE: University of WA
COST: Free to Members or $10 non-members
(pre-registration required)
DATE: Saturday 8th June 2024
TIME: 9.30am – 11.30am
VENUE: Lakelands SHS
COST: Free to Members or $10 non-members
Join us and meet other teachers who may be new(ish) to teaching History. After some networking we will unpack different ways to build
source analysis skills into your classroom (focus- Years 7-12) and also explore how to build a source analysis assessment in upper school
(focus- Years 10-12 ATAR and General).
LOCATION: Oxford Hotel, Leederville.
DATE: Tuesday 30th April 2024
TIME: 4.00pm – 6.00pm
COST: Free to Members or $10 non-members
(This event is fully catered)
Express your interest in or ask any question about the conference here.
When: Term 2 Week 1
Date: Wednesday, 17 April, 2024
Time: 4:30 - 5:00pm
This session aims to give you some ideas and resources to use in commemorating ANZAC Day at your school - suitable for both
primary and secondary schools.
Free for members and $10 for non members
Date: Friday 10th November 2023
Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and Elections @ 5.00pm) Venue: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn
Refreshments Provided!
A chance to meet discuss the latest on the
curriculum, The Exam & any other issues concerning the teaching of History
financial members are welcome to nominate for
positions & vote
When: Term 2 Week 1
Date: Wednesday, 26 April, 2023
Time: 4:30 - 5:00pm
Teaching how to answer the message question.
This session is a quick overview of effective methods for teaching students how to answer the message questions in source analysis. It will
give some helpful tips and ideas you can use in your classroom.
When: Term 2 Week 3
Date: Tuesday , 9 May, 2023
Time: 4:30 - 5:00pm
Promoting Ancient History
Have you thought about teaching Ancient History- either ATAR or General? This session will
is aimed at giving you an overview of the support available and some useful ideas to promote within your school. It is suitable for those
currently teaching and those that think maybe one day they would like to
When: Term 2 Week 3
Date: Wednesday, 10 May, 2023
Time: 4:30 -
Learning Support and History
Within our HASS classrooms we have a broad range of students, each with Individual
learning needs. This session will give you some strategies and ideas in supporting those students who need that little bit extra
When: Term 2 Week 7
Date: Wednesday, 7 June 2023
Time: 4:30 -
Teaching how to answer perspective questions.
This session is a quick overview of effective methods for teaching students how to answer the perspective questions in source analysis. It
will give some helpful tips and ideas you can use in your classroom.
When: Term 2 Week 9
Date: Wednesday, 21 June 2023
Time: 4:30 -
Teaching how to answer usefulness questions.
This session is a quick overview of effective methods for teaching
students how to answer the usefulness question in source analysis. It will give some helpful tips and ideas you can use in your classroom
When: Term 3 Week 2
Date: Wednesday, 26 July 2023
Time: 4:30 -
Cost: FREE for members $10 non-members
This session is a quick overview of effective methods for teaching students how to answer the Contestability question in source
analysis. It will give some helpful tips for unpacking the concept of contestability and ideas you can use in your classroom to teach
students how to respond to this question.
Register here!
When: Term 3 Week 4
Date: Wednesday, 9 August, 2023
Time: 4:30 -
Cost: FREE for members $10 non-members
This session is a quick overview of effective methods for teaching students how to answer both of the ‘E’ questions in source
analysis. It will give some helpful tips in terms of how to unpack these questions with your students, expectations for student responses
and ideas you can use for teaching Contestability in your classroom.
Register here!
When: Term 3 Week 6
Date: Wednesday, 23 August, 2023
4:30 - 5:00pm
Cost: FREE for members $10 non-members
This session is a quick overview of effective methods for teaching students how to unpack the essay section of the exam and what
writing a model essay involves. It will give some helpful tips for assisting students to make the most of the essay section, and provide
ideas you can use in your classroom.
Register here!
When: Term 3 Week 8
Date: Wednesday, 6 September, 2023
4:30 - 5:00pm
Cost: FREE for members $10 non-members
This session is a quick overview of effective methods for exam preparation. It will provide some helpful tips, resources and
suggestions of student activities to help both students and teachers prepare for exam time!
Register here!
This will be a collaborative session – please bring along a History Year 7-12 essay or assessment sample to share
Date: Monday 30th October
Time: 4.30pm – 6pm
Venue: Perth College (meet at the front reception on Lawley Crescent)
Cost: Free to HTAWA members, $10 for non-members (max. 20 participants)
Nazism in Germany
DATE: Saturday 21st October 2023
TIME: 8.45am – 12.00pm (Registration – from 8.30am)
Ross Lecture Theatre, University of Western Australia, Crawley
AND Online
( Map
Here, look
for the signs on the day! ) COST: $25
Extensive notes will be provided
Please see here from more details
Dr Shauna Bostock is an Aboriginal woman whose family descend from Bundjalung Country, in the Northern Rivers region of Northern New
South Wales. Her family members knew that the Bostock name came from a non-Indigenous settler, Augustus John Bostock, who married an
Aboriginal woman in the 1800s, but there were huge gaps in family history knowledge from the present to the past. Shauna was immediately
struck with a burning curiosity to find out more.
The Tom Stannage Memorial Lecture commemorates
the exceptional contribution made by Professor Tom Stannage (1944-2012) to the Western Australian community. Professor Stannage was a
prominent Australian historian who worked hard to foster a wider understanding of Western Australian history and heritage. He is remembered
as an inspiring teacher and a passionate advocate for the study of history.
Details: We will be focusing on extended responses, including question design and marking tips. Please bring along work samples if you have
any that you would like to discuss or share.
Location: Perth College AND Online. If attending in person, please meet us at the Front Reception on Lawley Crescent.
Date: Monday 11th September
Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Register Here for Perth College
OR Here
We are running Ancient History Greece and Rome Revision Seminars for Year 12 students They will take place at the University of Western
Australia, Crawley
DATE: Saturday 2nd September 2023
TIME: 2.00pm – 4.30pm (Registration from 1.30pm)
Please see here from more details
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for Year 12 students They will take place at the University of Western Australia, Crawley
and Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 2nd September 2023
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here from more details
SCASA Principal Consultant Annette Moon be running an Assessment Workshop for the new Year 11 course which will cover Teacher Support Materials and the Approval process for school-devised electives.
When: Tuesday 29 August, 9.00 am – 11.30 am,
Where: Technology Park Function Centre - Seminar Room 2
When: August 5th 9am - 12.30pm
Where: UWA Arts Building
A must for all students studying ATAR Ancient Egypt!
(Revision for ATAR HIA Rome and Greece will take place later in term 3 – watch this space).
When: August 5th 9-1.00pm
Where: UWA Arts Building
Who: Ancient History upper school teachers
Lower school HASS Yr 7 teachers
Those interested in Ancient History
Academic experts and the HTAWA committee will present information and practical teaching tips and activities to support teaching historical
analysis and critical thinking skills appropriate to Y7 and Y11/12 General contexts. Whether you are new to teaching HASS Y7 and/or General
Ancient History or have been doing both for a while, this workshop is valuable. Some of the activities on offer:
Free for members- $10 non members
This session is specifically designed for teachers New to History and will focus on
- How to design a Source Analysis
- Marking Tips
When: Monday 31st July 4 - 5.30pm
Where: Perth College
Cost: FREE
The workshop is FREE but is limited to 25 participants so make sure you register!
Come along to Bob Hawke College to debate Change and Continuity as we work to unravel the theme to this year’s National History Challenge.
You will hear from UWA’s Dr Jeremy Martens and NHC coordinators Claudia Giovannini (Shenton College) and Emily Donders (Bob Hawke College) to guide you through digesting some possible topics and classroom approaches to the NHC (how to break it down with your students).
Where: Bob Hawke College or Online
When: Saturday 13 May Arrive from 8:30am, 9am start – 11:30am
Cost: Free
Do you want to practice and improve your marking skills?
Come along to our EST marking moderation workshop where you will be able to work with real student responses and marking guides. Mark the samples then moderate with colleagues to ensure you are on the right track in preparation for the upcoming 2023 EST marking. Each session will be run by an experienced HTAWA member and will include marking, moderation and a short presentation about how to best use the EST guide.
We hope to see you there!
When: Wednesday 17th May, 3.45 (for 4pm start) till 5.15pm
Where: Lakeland SHS (Just off freeway)
Afternoon tea provided.
Free for HTAWA members- $10 non members
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for both Year 11 and Year 12 students
They will take place in the Arts Building at UWA and Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 6th May 2023
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Running alongside the student seminar day at UWA this PL will look at teaching Ancient General History skills with a focus on Old Kingdom Egypt. (Although skills can be applied to any topic).
When: May 6, 10am to 11.00am
Where: Arts Building UWA
Cost: Free to members- $10 non members
Date: Thursday 10th November 2022 Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and Elections @ 5.00pm) Venue: Alexander Park Tennis Club, Clyde Road, Menora
Refreshments Provided!
A chance to meet discuss the latest on the curriculum, The Exam & any other issues concerning the teaching of History
All financial members are welcome to nominate for
positions & vote
Please RSVP Here
Nazism in Germany
DATE: Saturday 22nd October 2022
TIME: 8.45am – 12.00pm (Registration – from 8.30am)
Woolnough Lecture Theatre, University of Western Australia, Crawley
AND Online
( Map
Here, look
for the signs on the day! ) COST: $25
Extensive notes will be provided
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for Year 12 students
They will take place at the University of Western Australia, Crawley and Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 3rd September 2022
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here from more details
We are running Ancient History Revision Seminars for Year 12 students
They will take place at the University of Western Australia, Crawley and Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 3rd September 2022
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here from more details
Looking for some ideas to get your students to select History for upper school? Wanting to build your school culture so students want to
select HASS/ History subjects? Come along to our latest pop up to get and share some ideas to promote History in your school.
When: Wednesday 15 June 2022, 4.00 - 5.00pm
Cost: Members- free
Non members- $10
Event Cancelled please contact us if you were going to attend
Join us online for our second New to History workshop for the year!
We will be exploring the skills required for Year 11 and 12 source analysis, as well as reviewing how to find good sources, and marking tips!
Date: Wednesday 22 June
Time: 4.00pm – 5.30pm
This event is free for members and $10 non-members.
Presenter Proposal form available here
Express your interest in the conference here, to ensure you don't miss any updates!
Helping your students achieve their best in essay writing
Essay writing is a key skill in History. HTAWA is pleased to be able offer a session on developing your student's writing skills, with ideas and strategies at improving how you both teach and assess essay writing in an upper school context.
When: Wednesday 11th May 4.15-5.15
Cost: FREE to Members $10 for Non-members
Join Dr. Jeremy Martens (Senior Lecturer – University of Western Australia), Emily Donders and Sharron Flynn (NHC WA) to
learn about teaching, critically analysing and assessing the Historical Concept of Cause and effect (consequence), and then excelling in
the National History Challenge! Not attending would be consequential!
Where: Bob Hawke College, 200 Roberts Road, Subiaco, WA. - Also
When: Saturday May 14, 8:45am (for a 9am start) – 11:30am
Other information:
Register here for catering purposes
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for both Year 11 and Year 12 students
They will take place Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 7th May 2022
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here for more details
Modern History General EST Marking
HTAWA is proud to run a session to support teachers in developing their skills in marking General History EST. This online session will help you develop your confidence in marking and include some hints on what to look for.
When: Wednesday 4th May (Wk 2) 4.15-5.15
Where: Online
Cost: FREE to Members $10 for Non-members
HTAWA is running an online PL event with the focus on teaching in an
"online classroom"
Date; Saturday 26th March 2022
Time: 8.30 to 11am
Cost: $30 FREE for Members
Time | Session |
8.30 - 8.40 | Sign in, get the tech sorted and get settled |
8.40 - 8.50 | Welcome, overview and update Cathy Baron |
8.50 - 9.00 | National History Challenge Launch Emily Donders & Sharron Flynn |
9.00 - 9.20 |
Some Cool Tech Ideas From Digital-Escape rooms, to Quizizz and Mentimeter, there are some outstanding tools in the great big space of the Word Wide Web, and activities that transition easily when you have students learning remotely and in the classroom at the same time. Emily Donders |
9.20 - 9.50 | Teaching the Enquiry Process An awesome activity for teaching enquiry processes - specifically how to build and develop good enquiry questions. The online version of the process is super simple (students are still working together remotely) and a great process to teach your students. Sally Davies |
Quick break to refresh and recharge |
10.00 - 10.15 | Assessing our Students How do we assess our students fairly when they aare missing periods of time, and we have such irregular attendance. Ideas for upper and lower school. Cathy Baron |
10.15 - 10.30 | Supporting our Students during Disrupted Times Some practical strategies for supporting our students when things get a little crazy. Cathy Baron |
10.30 - 11.00 | Ideas to Ensure your Upper School Students don't fall behind. Hayley Bettermann |
America Between the War- Yr 12 General with an EST focus
February 16th 4.30-5.15pm
This session will look at the key content being covered in the Yr 12 General Unit, with a focus on the content and skills needed for this year’s EST.
Ancient History- General with focus on the EST
February 17th 4.30-5.15pm
This session will give attendees a good overview of ideas and strategies for teaching Ancient History.
ATAR Unit 3 – quick overview of the key content you need to cover.
March 2nd 4.30-5.15pm
Our Unit 3 ATAR Modern History pop ups is a great opportunity to look at some resources, gain some ideas and discuss what needs to be covered in the Unit 3 Contexts. Three concurrent sessions will run, you will need to enrol in your specific context.
The first in a series of network meetings for those who are new to History or returning to teaching (mind you everyone of course is welcome to come along).
The workshop will have three sessions, 1. Year 7 Ancient History 2. ATAR and General, Modern History Essays and 3. ATAR and General Modern History Source Analysis. They will contain hints, tips and ideas, all presented by very awesome and experienced teachers.
Saturday February 26, 9am to noon @ UWA, Arst Building
(Sessions will be streamed for regional teachers)
This event is free for members and $10 non-members,
Monday 7th February from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm. ONLINE
How can your professional association support regional teachers?
You are invited to attend an online network meeting to learn about the History Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (HTAWA) and how
it can help you. You will be introduced to the key members of the HTAWA Committee, including President Cathy Baron, and incredible resources
to assist in your delivery of the teaching of History – in both lower school HASS and Senior School History – General and ATAR.
We will present some key events on our 2022 calendar, including our State Conference on the 26th March. This will also be an opportunity to network with fellow regional teachers.
We welcome new and experienced regional teachers and look forward to you joining in the one hour Webex session.
Date: Thursday 11th November 2021
Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and Elections @ 5.00pm)
Venue: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn
Refreshments Provided!
A chance to meet discuss the latest on the curriculum, The Exam & any other issues concerning the teaching of History
All financial members are welcome to nominate for
positions & vote
DATE: Saturday 23rd October 2021
TIME: 8.45am – 12.00pm (Registration – from 8.30am)
VENUE: Woolnough Lecture Theatre, University of Western Australia, Crawley
( Map
Here, look
for the signs on the day! )
COST: $25
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for Year 12 students
They will take place at the University of Western Australia, Crawley and Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 4th September 2021
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here from more details
Session One: 9.30am-10.15am
Ever wondered how you can help your students write that bit better? Are you looking for ideas to move them up that grade or support them in getting a stronger grade? This session will give you some practical ideas and strategies.
Session Two: 10.30am- 11.15am
Have you ever considered teaching a different year 11 context? Sick of Capitalism and Nazi Germany? Want to find out a little more about some of the alternative units? In this session we will give you an overview of some of the other units available and what resources are available.
When: :Saturday 4th September, 2021
Cost: FREE for members, $10 for non-members
Place: Arts Building, University of WA
We are running Ancient History Revision Seminars for Year 12 students.
They will take place at the University of Western Australia, Crawley.
DATE: Saturday 28th August 2021
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration from 8.30am)
Please see here from more details
Public Lecture by Dr Neil O"Sullivan
The current exhibition at the WA Museum, "Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors and Heroes" rightly focuses on their love of competition, a quality which always defined Greek culture. We see this characteristic passion already in their earliest poet, Homer, and in the world he imagined long before him. War, so often the theme of his work, is the most brutal form of competition, but he describes other contests which were already important in his time and later came to be seen as distinctively Greek, such as those in athletics and, subtly, even in poetry itself. Illustrated exclusively by pieces in the current exhibition, this talk explores the spirit of competition in Homer and in subsequent Greek culture, contrasting it with our superficially similar but rather different sense of the role of competition
Regardless of whether you are teaching or studying Years 11 and 12 General or ATAR Ancient History or teaching Year 7, this FREE lecture has enormous value for all of our WA syllabus points.
Bring along all your Year 11 and 12 students, and get them to soak up a bit of Uni culture along the way at this critical time when they’re considering their tertiary education futures.
When: :Saturday 28th August, 2021 8:45am (9am start) – 10.00am finish
Cost: FREE
Place: Arts Building, University of WA
RSVP here
Significance, and the National History Challenge: come join Dr. Samantha Owen (Lecturer – Curtin University) and Emily Donders (NHC WA) to
learn about teaching, critically analysing and assessing the Historical Concept of Significance, and then excelling in the National
History Challenge!
When: :Saturday 26th June, 2021 8:45am (9am start) – 11:30am finish
Date: Saturday 26th June, 2021
Cost: FREE
Place: Function Room
Rossmoyne SHS, Keith Road Rossmoyne
(Refreshments provided)
The workshop is also running online, but will not be recorded. register
here to join the session online.
We are running Modern History Revision Seminars for both Year 11 and Year 12 students
They will take place at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle and Online (NB they will not be recorded)
DATE: Saturday 15th May 2021
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration
from 8.30am)
Please see here for more details
Calling all new to History teachers, graduate teachers, and university students studying HASS education, you are welcome to join us for the
next New to History workshop. We will be focusing on marking Upper School assessments in Modern History. You are
encouraged to bring along some marking of your own to share informally.
The workshop will be a series of small group activities and so places are limited.
Date: Thursday 20 May
Location: Perth College (please meet us at the Front Reception on Lawley Crescent)
Time: 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Places are limited so please RSVP if you wish to attend
Calling all new to History teachers, graduate teachers, and university students studying HASS education, you are welcome to join us for the next New to History workshop. We will be focusing on the Extended Response in Modern History section – including tips on how design essay questions, developing essay writing skills for your students, tips on how to differentiate and scope and sequence these skills into Yr 7-10 and a chance to have a go at marking examples from Yr 11 .
The workshop will be a series of small group activities and so places are limited.
Date: Wednesday 24 March
Location: Perth College (please meet us at the Front Reception on Lawley Crescent)
Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Places are limited so please RSVP if you wish to attend
Special Networking, Professional Learning and Exhibition event
This is a travelling exhibition from the Australian War Memorial which investigates the role and contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women in the Australian military up to the present day. The Wanneroo Gallery will be the only metro gallery in Perth displaying this exhibition, so it’s a rare opportunity to see this. It promises to be a very potent way of engaging with important themes of war, social justice, Aboriginal citizenship and reconciliation.
Date/Time: Wed 3 March 2021, 4.15pm-5.30pm
Location: Wanneroo Library and Cultural Centre – Conference Room and Gallery (1st Floor) – 3 Rocca Way, Wanneroo
Cost: FREE
(Light refreshments provided)
Using archaeological and written evidence to help students understand historical context and historical narrative.
This workshop will use examples from Egypt Greece and Rome that are suitable for Year 7 and Year 11-12 General and ATAR courses. Practical and hands on, this short PL should help you and your students unpack the clues, the stories and information about ancient economies, governments and cultures that are discoverable in the material evidence. Bring your laptop/USB/device, resources will be available to take away with you.
Venue: State Library Perth. Geography Room. Ground Floor
Day and Time: Saturday 20th Feb. 10.30-12.30
Cost: Free for members, $10 for non-members.
Book your place here
HTAWA is holding a New to History Networking Meeting for anyone who is new to teaching History; experienced teachers, graduates and
pre-service teachers are all welcome.
This will be an opportunity to meet other History teachers, access new resources and seek advice about skills or content with which you would like support.
When: Thursday 18 February 2021 , 4.30pm to 6pm
Where: The Oxford Hotel, Oxford St, Leederville
Cost: FREE
Drinks and Nibbles provided
Please RSVP if you are attending
Calling all new to History teachers, graduate teachers, and university students studying HASS education, you are welcome to join us for the next New to History workshop. We will be focusing on Source Analysis skills – including tips on how to teach these in Years 11 – 12, as well as how to differentiate and scaffold to suit Years 7 – 10.
Date: Thursday 26th November
Location: Perth College (please meet us at the Front Reception on Lawley Crescent)
Time: 4pm – 5.30pm
Please RSVP if you are attending
Date: Monday 2nd November 2020
Time: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and Elections @ 5.00pm)
Venue: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn
Refreshments Provided!
A chance to meet discuss the latest on the curriculum, The Exam & any other issues concerning the teaching of History
All financial members are welcome to nominate for positions & vote
Date: Saturday, 31 October 2020
Time: 8.45am to 12.00pm (registration from 8.30am)
Location: Education Building, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle (Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!)
OR Online
Cost: $25
Book online HERE
Date: Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Time: 9.00am to 12.30pm (registration from 8.30am)
Location: Harrisdale SHS, look for the signs
Cost: $30 or $15 for HTAWA members
Starting with a networking breakfast and ending with a prize draw HTAWA is running a half-day professional learning workshop focussing on Marking, Assessment, & Moderation
An outline of the event is shown below.
Keynote Address: Helen Brash - "History in the Burbs"
Session One
Session Two
Date: Saturday, 19 September 2020
Time: 10.00am to 12.30pm (registration from 9.30am)
Location: Mt Lawley SHS, in the Staffroom (upstairs in the central quad) look for the signs
Cost: $10 or FREE for HTAWA members
If you are currently teaching ATAR or General AH, Year 11 or 12 and would like to do some valuable work on Source Analysis with your colleagues before the Mock Exams, this is the PL for you.
Bring along 3 unmarked copies of any Source Analysis your students have sat this year along with the sources and marking keys for that task. Spend some quality time looking at other work samples, getting feedback, discussing, marking, networking.
Book online HERE
HTAWA is holding a New to History Networking Meeting for anyone who is new to teaching History; experienced teachers, graduates and pre-service teachers are all welcome.
This will be an opportunity to meet other History teachers, access new resources and seek advice about skills or content with which you would like support.
When: Thursday 20 August 2020 , 4.30pm to 6pm
Where: The Oxford Hotel, Oxford St, Leederville
Cost: FREE
Drinks and Nibbles provided
Book online here
When: 9.00am to 12.30pm, Saturday 29 August 2020
Where: Fox Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, University of WA
Book online here
Bring along and share resources, programmes, and ideas for teaching.
(Morning Tea provided)
When: 9.30am to 11.00am, Saturday 29 August 2020
Where: Arts Building, University of WA
Book online here
Date: Saturday 5th September 2020
Time: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
Venue: Education Building, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
(Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!)
ALL sessions are also
available online
Concurrent Revision Sessions
• Unit 4 The Changing European World since 1945 (also available online)
• Unit 4 Australia's Engagement in Asia (also available online)
• Unit 4 The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
ALL sessions are also available online
Book online here
Date: Saturday, 8 August 2020
Time: 9.00am to 1.00pm (registration from 8.30am)
Location: Applecross SHS, in the Staffroom (upstairs in the central quad) look for the signs
Cost: $20 or $10 for HTAWA members
NB: Morning Tea provided
There will be a double session on New Kingdom Egypt, which will focus on the Year 12 ATAR syllabus points requested by teachers.
These points are also generic to an understanding of Egyptian afterlife beliefs and mortuary practices. The session will include afterlife beliefs and the mortuary cult with specific emphasis on the decoration of the Theban royal and elite tombs which illustrate mortuary practices, religious beliefs and the books of the dead. Reference will also be made to the interpretation of the relevant sources and the use of technology in investigating and interpreting sources.
There will also be a re-run of the Source Analysis Skills session recently held at Perth Modern for those who could not attend.
Book online here
It's been a while since we had a face to face PL......but now HTAWA is holding a PL event with concurrent sessions looking at Unit 2, Unit 4
and Ancient World. Lunch is provided in the middle of the event so everyone can network properly!!
Unit 2 - Nazism in Germany
Unit 4 - Changing European World
Unit 4 - Australia's Engagement with Asia
Unit 4- The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
Ancient World - source analysis skills & course changes
This will be content based and presented by experienced teachers with the sessions going through the unit content in detail.
We are encouraging all participants to bring along a USB with resources to share.
Our aim is for you to walk away with lots of information for second semester and some great shared resources.
Date: Monday July 13th
Time 11.30am - 2.00pm
Place: Perth Modern School
Cost: $20 ($10 for members) including a light lunch
Book online here
DATE: Thursday 31 October 2019
TIME: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and Elections @ 5.00pm)
VENUE: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn
Refreshments Provided!
A chance to meet discuss the latest on the curriculum, The Exam & any other issues concerning the teaching of History
All financial members are welcome to nominate for positions &
DATE: Saturday 26th October 2019
TIME: 9.00am – 12.00pm (Registration – from 8.30am)
VENUE: Woolnough Lecture Theatre,
University of
Western Australia, Crawley
and Geography Building)
OR streamed live online
COST: $25 (No Charge for HTAWA Members)
Notes will be provided
Tickets and registration here
The History Teachers' Association of South Australia is hosting the 2019 HTAA National Conference in Adelaide from October 1-3.
For more details see here or Conference
If you are interested in presenting please see here
DATE: Saturday 31ST August 2019
9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Education
Building, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
(Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!)
Concurrent Revision Sessions (Please select from drop down menu when booking)
• Unit 4 The Changing European World since 1945 (also available online)
• Unit 4 Australia's Engagement in Asia (also available online)
• Unit 4 The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
Tickets available here
DATE: Saturday 7th September 2019
TIME: 9.30am – 1.00pm (Registration – 9.00am)
VENUE: Dalyellup College, Wake Drive, Dalyellup
Concurrent Revision Sessions: (Please select from drop down menu when booking)
Unit 3 – Modern Nations in the 20th Century
Unit 4 – The Modern World since 1945
Unit 1&2 – Year 11 Skills Workshop
** Pre-registration for these sessions is essential
Tickets available here
Participating in State level judging for the National History Challenge is a fantastic opportunity to better get to know the ins and outs of the competition, understand differentiation over academic levels and apply the judging standards as set by the WA curriculum.
Details of the event are as follows:
DATE: Saturday 14th of September
TIME: 9am – approx. 2pm.*
WHERE: Rossmoyne SHS – Function room (see map)
OTHER: A light lunch and snacks will be provided
RSVP: Follow this link
* If you are only able to stay for part of the day (arrive late or leave early) that is more than fine! Please just let Emily Donders know!
17 August 2019
9.00am - 12.30pm
Fox Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, UWA
Skills for Year 11 and 12
Unit 3 and 4 Revision
More details here
Followed by
Our visiting lecturer is the Professor of Egyptology at the University of Milan, Dr Patrizia
The lecture is about “Archaeological excavation and archives as tools for helping us understand the Ancient World”.
The lecture will illustrate the manner in which evidence from both archaeological excavations and from archival material is recovered
and studied by experts; eventually becoming the history that is taught in schools.
17 August 2019
1.00pm - 2.00pm
Fox Lecture Theatre, Arts Building, UWA
Saturday 8th June 2019
9.00am – 11.30am
Rossmoyne Senior High School
Keith Road, Rossmoyne, (in the Function Room, look for the signs!)
Cost: $10 FREE for HTAWA members
The workshop will also be streamed live online free of charge.
The professional learning workshop will cover –
The workshop will use the National History Challenge, a research competition for students from Year 1-12 that has great prizes and is free
to enter, as a vehicle for practical demonstration
Please see here for tickets and
Wednesday 5 June 2019
The Australian History Competition is a 45 minute multi-choice paper that tests skills and understandings using a range of historical sources and questions based on a source booklet that is provided. Full Details here
The History Teachers’ Association of Western Australia is one of the leading providers of student seminars and WACE History revision programs in Western Australia. We are a non-profit organisation and all our seminars are conducted by well-respected and experienced History teachers and WACE markers.
DATE: Saturday 11th May 2019
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Education Building
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!
COST: $20 (Year 11 sessions)
$30 (Year 12 session
Book online here or use the group booking form.
Saturday May 11, 2019 10.00am to 11.30am
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
Tannock Hall (cnr Cliff and Croke Street)
Do you want to help your students achieve their best in source analysis?
Are you looking for some new ideas on how to answer the key questions?
Then this workshop, presented by Giselle Mafa from Hooked on Humanities is for you!!
This 90 minute workshop, will cover some of the key skills in supporting students to undertake a source analysis assessment, as well as give you some practical ideas to take back to your classroom.
Cost: Free for members $20 non members
Registration required as materials will be supplied.
Purchase tickets here
Monday 29 April 2019
STE(A)Ming into History What does a memory look like?
Join us for an Early Childhood (P-3 focus) hands-on professional learning day using HASS skills and iSTEM capabilities.
Further details and registration here
HTAWA thanks our collaborative partners AISWA, Swan Historical Society and CSER for this joint professional learning event
Saturday March 30 2019
The Conference will include sessions for primary and secondary, Modern and Ancient History teachers.
Details here
When: Thursday 21 March at 4.30pm
Where: Lecture Theatre at School of Isolated and Distance Education (SIDE) in Leederville
Light refreshments provided and continue networking and conversation at The Leederville Hotel.
For further details please contact Vanessa Kirkham
HTAWA is holding a general discussion forum on how students performed in the 2018 Modern History ATAR exam. We will be sharing ideas to
support teachers in addressing weaknesses identified in the results of last years paper.
Where: SIDE, Oxford Street, Leederville OR online by following this link
When: Thursday 21 February 2019, 4.30pm - 5.30pm
Cost: FREE
Tea and Coffee will be provided
In recognition of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1, HTAWA is holding an Armistice quiz night. Come show of your wealth of knowledge
on The Great War with questions covering all aspects of the conflict, including pre and war history, geography, sport, politics and much
Where- Victoria Park Bowling Club, 18 Kent Street East Victoria Park
When – Saturday 10th November 2018
Doors open 6pm with 6.30 start till about 9.30pm
No BYO drinks- bar available
You can buy a table of 8 or individual tickets (we will create tables).
Bring along brain food to share with your table
Prizes for best WW1 themed decorated table
Prizes for best costumes
Tickets available here
All Year 11 and 12 Ancient History Teachers are invited to come along and workshop the changes to the ATAR Ancient History Exam Design
Everyone is welcome, your input will be invaluable.
Date: Wednesday 14 November 2018
Time: 4.30 - 6.00
Venue: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street Mt Hawthorn
Food and Drinks provided !
RSVP Sally Davies
Tuesday 30 October 2018
Inglewood Hotel
Beaufort Street
From 4.15pm, discussion of the WACE exam welcome!!!
It is often said that the reason for teaching history is to help students better understand, and respond to, the world today. That
world is splashed out across the headlines each day; the news simultaneously showcases history as it happens, and reflects the culmination
of our collective journey from the past to the present.
Join us for a thought provoking afternoon, where we look at innovative ways to develop highly transferable critical thinking and HASS
inquiry skills that will get kids thinking both about then and now.
This professional learning program is presented by Seven West Media Education in association with the History Teachers Association of
Western Australian and the Association of Independent Schools (WA).
WHEN: Monday October 22, 2018 (4 to 6pm)
WHERE: AISWA, Suite 3/41 Walters Drive, Osborne Park, Seminar room 1st Floor Suite 5
SUITABLE FOR: Year 3-6 classroom teachers, but open to all teachers currently employed in a WA school.
COST: $20, which includes a class set of one of Media Education's curriculum linked news resources with ten days of newspaper deliveries.
REGISTRATION IS ESSENTIAL (places are limited)
To register email Media Education or telephone 9482 3717
More details available here
DATE: Saturday 20th October 2018
TIME: 9.00am – 12.00pm (Registration – from 8.30am)
VENUE: Woolnough Lecture Theatre,
University of Western Australia, Crawley
and Geography Building)
COST: $20 (pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets) $25
(on the day)
No Charge for HTAWA Members
Notes will be provided
Register and buy tickets here
DATE: Saturday 1ST September 2018
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Education Building, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
(Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!)
Concurrent Revision Sessions (Please select from drop down menu when booking)
• Unit 4 The Changing European World since 1945
• Unit 4 Australia's Engagement in Asia
• Unit 4 The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
Tickets available here
Bring along some sources on a USB to share and discuss with the group, making sure they have the correct acknowlegements. The more we bring the more to discuss and share and the more we all gain!
DATE: Saturday 1ST September 2018
TIME: 10.00am – 11.30pm
VENUE: Education Building, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
(Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!)
COST: FREE to current HTAWA Members $10 non-members
DATE: Saturday 25th August 2018
TIME: 9.30am – 1.00pm (Registration – 9.00am)
VENUE: Dalyellup College, Wake Drive, Dalyellup
Concurrent Revision Sessions: (Please select from drop down menu when booking)
Unit 3 – Modern Nations in the 20th Century
Unit 4 – The Modern World since 1945
Unit 1&2 – Year 11 Skills Workshop
** Pre-registration for these sessions is essential
Tickets available here
HTAWA would like to invite all members, future members and teachers of History to our social event. This event is a chance to catch up with others, eat some yummy food and hang out with the cool kids (HASS teachers of course!)
Where: Leeming SHS (parking off Grady Close)
When : Wednesday 15th August 4.00-5.30
Cost: Free!!
DATE: Saturday 18th August 2018
TIME: 9.00am – 12.00pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Shenton College, Stubbs Terrace, Shenton Park
COST: STUDENTS: $20 (pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
$25 (on the day)
Elective 1: Thebes - East and West, New Kingdom Egypt
Elective 2: Athens, Sparta and the Peloponnesean War 440 - 404 BC
Elective 3: Rome 62 BC - AD14
(Notes will be provided)
Book Online Here or use the group booking form
DATE: Saturday 18th August 2018
TIME: 9.00 – 11.00amm
VENUE: Shenton College, 227 Stubbs Terrace, Shenton Park
COST: $10 (Free to HTAWA members)
Teach Meet - Bring along and share resources, programmes, and ideas for teaching.
Discussion - Exam expectations for ATAR Teachers with former Chief Examiner Dr Lara O’Sullivan
Morning Tea provided
Morning Tea provided
Tickets available here
Dr Edgar Pusch of University College London, was Field Director at the site of Qantir – Piramesse, the capital city of Ramses II - for a
number of years.
Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, moved the administrative capital of Egypt from Thebes, 650 kilometres south of Cairo, north to a
site on the Nile Delta, 110 kilometres north of Cairo. Here Ramses II, was a prolific monument builder in the New Kingdom including projects
such as the infamous Ramesseum in Thebes and the Temple at Abu Simbel, built his new capital city.
Edgar Pusch will talk us through his excavation of the site and his insights into life in Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom as well as the stunning finds from the site including an industrial scale bronze foundry, glass making and colouring workshops, enormous factories for the production of faience and evidence for the building of chariots along with a training ground and stables for 480 horses. There is even evidence that Ramses II kept a collection of exotic animals.
DATE: Saturday 18th August 2018
TIME: 12.30 – 1.30pm
VENUE: Shenton College, 227 Stubbs Terrace, Shenton Park
COST: $10 (Free to HTAWA members)
$5 tickets for concession card holders available at the door
Tickets available here
HTAWA Primary History Teachers invites you to a Bookweek presentation and workshop that integrates HASS, Literature and STE(A)M.
Local authors will present books for your classroom that treasure our stories and shape our history.
First we get excited about the stories. Then we explore how stories expand historical inquiry and literacy skills.
Finally we delve into the reservoir of digital resources that stimulate critical thinking, research and interpretation.
Suitable for pre-primary to Year 6 teachers
DATE: Monday 20 August
TIME: 4.00-5.30pm
VENUE: The Grove Library - 1 Leake St (cnr Stirling Hwy) Peppermint Grove
COST: FREE to current HTAWA Members
$10 non-members
****Special offer - includes 12 months individual membership for any primary teacher who is not a member and attends this event****
Afternoon tea and resources provided
Register here
Are you a primary or secondary teacher?
Do you want to develop a good understanding of the National History Challenge?
What are the changes this year?
How can I best assist my students to achieve?
Do you want to develop your understanding of a history inquiry?
If you answered yes, then this is the PL for you!
HTAWA is running a workshop on judging the National History Challenge.
If you are interested in becoming a judge or just getting a greater understanding of how the competition runs, then come along to this free PL. or join us online.
Where: Rossmoyne SHS
When: Thursday 19th July (Wk1 Term 3).
Time: 4.15-5.30pm
You will need to register here
To join us online please use this link
HaSS teachers are invited to attend a Professional Development session to support the running of the NEW student competition - The Premier’s
Student Competition. The competition is open to student from primary and secondary year levels and the session will cater to teachers of
both. Attendees will also be introduced to the new HTAWA resource developed to support the implementation of the competition: A
Centenary of Change.
Kent Street Senior High School
Tuesday, 12th June 2018, 4:15-5:30pm
(light refreshemnts provided)
No Charge
**Session to be streamed for rural teachers
Please register to attend in person here or to attend online here
The History Teachers’ Association of Western Australia is one of the leading providers of student seminars and WACE History revision programs in Western Australia. We are a non-profit organisation and all our seminars are conducted by well-respected and experienced History teachers and WACE markers.
DATE: Saturday 12th May 2018
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Education Building
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!
COST: $20 (Year 11 sessions)
$25 (Year 12 pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
$30 (Year 12 on the day)
Book online here or use the group booking form.
"Finessing Your Feedback"
Saturday May 12, 2018 9.30am to 11.00am
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
Tannock Hall (cnr Cliff and Croke Street)
This teacher PL will look out how to give your student feedback that is constructive and worthwhile.
The workshop, aimed at secondary teachers, will examine how to create History assessments that not only engage students but provide quality
data for improvement.
**Free of charge to members who pre-register here
DATE: Saturday 19th May 2018
TIME: 9.30am – 12.30pm (Registration – 9.00am)
VENUE: Shenton College, Stubbs Terrace, Shenton Park
COST: STUDENTS: $20 (pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
$25 (on the day)
Unit 3: Egypt New Kingdom Egypt to the death of Horemheb
Athens 481 – 440 BC
Rome 133 – 63 BC
(Notes will be provided)
Book Online Here or use the group booking form
The Conference will include sessions for primary and secondary, Modern and Ancient History teachers.
There will be teacher-led sessions sharing practical ideas and resources from their History classrooms, resources on World War I, Year 7, senior secondary WACE Ancient and Modern History, source analysis skills, Australian Curriculum, assessment and much more
4:30 - SIDE Presentation.
Experienced and new senior school history teachers (modern and ancient) who will share their tips on getting through those first few years
and a few key lessons they learnt along the way. Delegates will also be introduced to the support that is available from HTAWA for teachers
and students.
5:30 - Networking opportunity.
The challenges of teaching are always easier if you have a great support network. Join us in Leederville after the presentation for a drink and build connections.
Tea and coffee included at SIDE presentation. Drinks during networking at own expense.
The event is free but you need to register here.
DATE: Thursday 2 November 2017
TIME: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and AGM 5.00pm)
VENUE: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn
Nomination Form here
Year 11 Student Seminar Day - UWA
HTAWA will be running a Student Seminar day for Year 11s
Nazi Germany
Extensive notes will be provided
DATE: Saturday 21st October 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – from 8.30am)
VENUE: Murdoch Lecture Theatre,
University of
Western Australia, Crawley
Building near the Reid Library)
COST: $20 (pre-ordered and pre-paid
tickets) $25
(on the day)
No Charge for HTAWA Members
Book online here
“Understanding the WACE” guides will be on sale for $25.
Quiz Night
In recognition of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, HTAWA is holding a Russia quiz night. Come show of your wealth of
Russian knowledge with questions covering all things Russian, including pre and post Revolution history up to 2001, geography, sport,
Russian politics and much more.
Where- Como Bowling Club, 99 Hensman St, South Perth
When – Saturday 28th October
Doors open 6pm with 6.30 start till about 10
No BYO drinks- bar available
You can buy a table of 8 or individual tickets (we will create tables).
Tickets available here.
Bring along brain food to share with your table
Prizes for best Russia themed decorated table
Prizes for best costumes
Year 12 Student Seminar Day - Fremantle
HTAWA will be running a Student Seminar day for Year 12s
Concurrent Revision Sessions:
Unit 4 – The Modern World since 1945Extensive notes will be provided
DATE: Saturday 2nd September 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – from 8.30am)
VENUE: Tannock Hall, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
COST: $25 (pre-ordered and pre-paid
tickets) $30
(on the day)
No Charge for HTAWA Members
Book online here
**Please note there will be limited door sales on the day, pre-order to avoid disappointment.**
“Understanding the WACE” guides will be on sale for $25.
Assessment in a Real Upper School Classroom
Listen, learn and get some great ideas for assessing Modern History.
We will be having teachers with a range of experience and schools explaining assessment tasks they have used, why they chose and marked them
the way they did, things they would change and what teaching strategies they used leading up to the task. This PL aims to give teachers lots
of practical ideas and strategies.
It is aimed at upper school but many of the ideas can be applied to lower school History.
DATE: Saturday 2nd September 2017
TIME: 9.30am – 11.30am (Registration – from 8.30am)
VENUE: Tannock Hall, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
COST: $10 No Charge for HTAWA Members
Book online here
DATE: Saturday 26th August 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 12.40pm
(Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Methodist Ladies College
Stirling Highway
COST: $20 (pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
$25 (on the day)
Get more details and Book online here or use the group booking form.
DATE: Saturday 26th August 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 2-00pm
(Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Methodist Ladies College
Stirling Highway
COST: $20 (free for HTAWA members)
Book online here .
Session |
Workshop |
Workshop |
1 |
Setting up a General AH course & “Change” in the Year 12 General Course Rome Rome/Pompeii Sally Davies |
2 |
Using tombs and their wall decorations as material evidence for teaching Ancient Egypt at all year levels. Heather Tunmore |
Break |
3 |
Year 7 – 12 strategies to use in compiling source analysis Jan Bishop |
ATAR Greece Chloe Britton |
4 |
The use of material evidence in Year 7-12 Moya Smith |
Year 11-12 General Danielle McCabe |
Break |
Public Lecture (1-2pm) |
MYTH BUSTING: Tutankhamen, Akhenaten and the human element of intentional destruction in the Amarna Period. Alice McClymont |
Methodist Ladies College, 26 August 2017
“MYTH BUSTING: Tutankhamen, Akhenaten and the human element of intentional destruction in the Amarna Period”
Alice McClymont, Egyptologist, from Macquarie University NSW
(This Lecture will be streamed live see here for details)
The History Teachers’ Association of Western Australia is one of the leading providers of student seminars and WACE History revision programs in Western Australia. We are a non-profit organisation and all our seminars are conducted by well-respected and experienced History teachers and WACE markers.
DATE: Saturday 19th August 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Dalyellup College
Wake Drive
Dalyellup WA 6230
COST: $25 (pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
$30 ( on the day)
Get more details and Book online here or use the group
booking form.
The History Teachers’ Association of Western Australia is one of the leading providers of student seminars and WACE History revision programs in Western Australia. We are a non-profit organisation and all our seminars are conducted by well-respected and experienced History teachers and WACE markers.
DATE: Saturday 6th May 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Education Building
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!
COST: $20 (Year 11 sessions)
$25 (Year 12 pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
(Year 12 on the day)
Book online here or use the group booking form.
In order for rural and remote student to access our seminars HTAWA is streaming them live. Places are limited and you must attend a school
more than 75km from Fremantle to access the seminars online.
DATE: Saturday 6th May 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm
(Registration – 8.30am)
-VENUE: Education Building
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
- - Corner of
Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!
COST: Free to members $10 for non-members
There are two concurrent workshops, one for secondary and one for primary teachers.
Please see here for more details.
Book online here
DATE: Saturday 18 March 2017
TIME: 9.00am – 4.00pm
VENUE: Notre Dame University, Fremantle
Please see the flyer here and the programme here
Registration Available here
DATE: Saturday 18 February 2017
TIME: 8.30am – 10.00am
VENUE: Fremantle Prison Youth Hostel
Come along and meet the committee and other members.
Also, iIf you wish to stay at the Prison friday night you will get cheaper rates by mentioning HTAWA in your booking.
Non members are welcome for $10.
Please book here (members discount will be applied upon purchase)
DATE: Wednesday 2 November 2016
TIME: 4.30pm – 6.00pm
(Reports and AGM 5.00pm)
VENUE: Oxford Hotel, Oxford Street, Mt Hawthorn
Nomination Form here
Refreshments Provided!
A chance to meet discuss the latest on the curriculum, The Exam & any other issues concerning the teaching of History
All financial members are welcome to nominate for positions & vote.
These will be at Applecross Senior High School on Saturday 29th October in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) at 10 am sharp. Please enter
from the Ardessie Street side of the school.
History Teachers' Association of
Australia National Conference
Venue: Sydney Grammar School, College Street Sydney
Date: 28-30 September 2016
In the heart of the city, the 2016 National Conference will be located within a short walk of many of Sydney’s outstanding attractions and will be convenient to public transport and a range of accommodation options for regional, interstate and overseas visitors.
Key Dates
April-May 2016 – Conference Program will be published and registrations open
28-30 September 2016 – The Conference
For more information visit click here
Year 11 Student Seminar Day
A Year 11 Student Seminar Day is being held as follows:
DATE: Saturday 22nd October 2016
TIME: 9.00am – 12.00pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: UWA - Woolnough Lecture Theatre
University of Western Australia, Crawley
COST: $20 (pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
$25 (on the day) No Charge for HTAWA Members
“Understanding the WACE” guides (Part 1)
will be on sale for $20 each.
9.00 Content summary: Nazism in Germany
10.20 Morning Tea Break
10.40 Exam skills: Essays and Source Analysis
Tickets can be purchased online here
HTAWA will be running a Student Seminar day for Year 12s
Concurrent Revision Sessions:
Unit 4 – The Modern World since 1945Extensive notes will be provided
DATE: Saturday 3rd September 2016
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Tannock Hall, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
COST: $25 (pre-ordered and pre-paid
tickets) $30
(on the day)
No Charge for HTAWA Members
Book online here
**Please note there will be limited door sales on the day, pre-order to avoid disappointment.**
“Understanding the WACE” guides will be on sale for $20.
Year 12 Student Seminar Day - Bunbury
HTAWA will be running a Student Seminar day for Year 12s from the South West Region in August.
Concurrent Revision Sessions:
Unit 3 – Modern Nations in the 20th Century
Unit 4 – The Modern World since 1945
** Pre-registration for these sessions is essential
Extensive notes will be provided
DATE: Saturday 27th August 2016
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Dalyellup College, Wake Drive, Dalyellup WA 6230
COST: $25 (pre-ordered and pre-paid
tickets) $30
(on the day)
No Charge for HTAWA Members
Book online here
**Please note there will be limited door sales on the day, pre-order to avoid disappointment.**
“Understanding the WACE” guides will be on sale for $20.
HTAWA will be running a Student Seminar day for Year 12s of Ancient History
Concurrent Revision Sessions:
1. Greece Unit 3 and 4
2. Rome Unit 3 and 4
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Shenton College, Stubbs Tce, Shenton Park
COST: $20 (pre-ordered and pre-paid
tickets) $25
(on the day)
No Charge for HTAWA Members
Book online here
A conference day of maritime storytelling featuring award-winning writers and historians. Journey from geographical locations around the world to the Western Australian coast, where the past meets the present and hear stories of exploration, discovery and adventure to ignite your own sense of place and inspire your students. Learn how historical objects, questioning and research come together as our expert writers share their passion and skills.
The keynote address will be delivered by Professor Gary Crew. Other writers include Norman Jorgensen, Mark Greenwood, Mike and Joy Lefroy.
This conference day is hosted by The Esplanade Hotel - Fremantle and supported by the History Teachers Association of WA (HTAWA) to coincide with the 400th Anniversary of Dirk Hartog's expedition and the 25th Anniversary Edition of Gary Crew's Strange Objects.
You will Gain:
For more detailed information please visit see here.
(NB: To obtain the HTAWA member discount you will need to book through this website)
Venue: The Esplanade Hotel Fremantle
Date: Friday, July 22
TIME: 8.30am - 3.30pm
Cost: Members $110 (Non-members $160)
Unit 4 The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East - Planning Workshop
A bring and share workshop for those teaching the Middle East for Unit 4. Bring along any wonderful resources you've located for the new areas of content, any programs you've started working on, and all your amazing ideas about how to tackle this new unit. Also, bring along a USB.
Venue: Perth Modern School - Staff Room
Date: Tuesday, June 28
TIME: 4.30-6.00pm
Cost: Free for Memebers (non-members $10)
Unit 4 The Changing European World - Planning Workshop
A bring and share workshop for those teaching Europe for Unit 4. Bring along any wonderful resources you've located for the new areas of content, any programs you've started working on, and all your amazing ideas about how to tackle this new unit. Also, bring along a USB.
Venue: Applecross SHS - Meet at the Front Office
Date: Tuesday, June 28
TIME: 4.30-6.00pm
Cost: Free for Memebers (non-members $10)
Teaching Historical Inquiry Skills Workshop
So, do you wonder if you are actually teaching your students Inquiry skills to ‘think like an Historian’ or do your tasks
encourage them to randomly Google for information?
Are you looking for something a bit different to get them thinking, writing and enjoying their history?
HTAWA will be running a professional learning workshop for year 1-10 teachers on how to best support your students in developing their historical inquiry skills. This hands on PL will look at teaching students how to find information, reference their work, how best to use ICT for both researching and presenting ideas, with lots of practical strategies and ideas for WA classrooms.
If you are thinking of entering (or maybe even judging) the National History Challenge or Simpson Prize this workshop will give you lots of good ideas to use with your class.
We will be running concurrent sessions for primary and secondary teachers, with some hands on activities using student work samples.
Venue: Mount Lawley SHS - Staff Room
Date: Saturday, June 18
TIME: 9.00am - 11.00am
Cost: Free to Members (Non-members $20)
South West Region Professional Learning Day
in conjunction with GAWA)
Venue: Cape Naturaliste College, Vasse
Date: Friday, June 3
Professional Learning sessions for Secondary School teachers, looking specifically at curriculum development and assessment. The event is fully catered and there is no cost for attendance. The morning session has a Year 12 ATAR focus, with speakers from GAWA and HTAWA addressing programming and assessment issues for unit 4 of the new WACE courses. In the afternoon the focus shifts to Years 7-10 with presentations looking at the incorporation of Economics & Business and Civics and Citizenship into lower school HASS programs.
9:00-9:15 Registration and Coffee |
9:15 – 9:20 Overview of Day and Key Objectives Richard Spence TDS Co-ordinator, Cape Naturaliste College) |
9:20 – 10:30 Mike Fazio (GAWA) Designing programs and assessments for unit 4 of the new WACE course. |
9:20-10:30 Jason Milne (HTAWA) Designing programs and assessments for unit 4 of the new WACE course. |
10:30 -12:00 Senior School teachers networking and sharing of resources |
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch |
12:30 – 1:30 Mandy Hudson SCSA - Overview of the 2017 HASS Curriculum |
1:45 – 2:30 Lorne Wardle (ETWA President) |
2:40 – 3:10 Richard Spence (TDS Co-ordinator) |
3:15 – Plenary and certificates of attendance |
For registration and further information please contact:
Richard Spence:
Unit 4 Australia's Engagement with Asia - Planning Workshop
A bring and share workshop for those teaching Australia and Asia for Unit 4. Bring along any wonderful resources you've located for the new
areas of content, any programs you've started working on, and all your amazing ideas about how to tackle this new unit.
Venue: Perth Modern School - Staff Room
Date: Wednesday, May 25
TIME: 4.30-6.00pm
Ancient History Teacher Workshop
This workshop is aimed at supporting the Ancient History ATAR and General Egyptian context teachers. Teachers who already deliver these courses and those who are considering doing so in the future should find these presentations relevant, engaging and practical.
Venue: Applecross SHS
Date: Saturday, May 21
TIME: 9.30-12.30
Heather Tunmore and Jodie Ford. Heather is an Egyptologist who is an epigrapher and archaeologist. Heather has taught both Ancient and
Modern History in WA. Jodie Ford is a teacher of both Ancient and Modern History who has been studying Egyptology for several years.
9.30-10.30 Session 1: Heather Tunmore will be discussing Egyptian Art.
An understanding of the principles by which Egyptian artists, draftsmen, craftsmen and artisans operated is fundamental to understanding the history and culture of the Ancient Egyptians whose art decorated not only the well known tombs and temples but also their homes, their palaces and their possessions. Their formal art was conceptual, not naturalistic. This means that the concepts or ideas behind the art were considered to be more important than the art itself. Thus art tells us about their views of the world, the gods, society, life and the afterlife over thousands of years; information which you will need to use if you choose to teach Ancient Egypt. This presentation will help you understand the ways in which Egyptians thought of art, will teach you some of the obvious differences between their artistic expression and ours for example the different understanding of perspective, and it will teach you the basics of the Egyptian canon. It will teach you, and thus your students, to draw like an Egyptian. Bring your computer or a thumb drive and you will be able to download the talk and the images so that you can use them in the classroom.
10.30- 10.50: Morning Tea will be provided.
10.50 – 11.50: Session 2: Jodie Ford will focus on planning and delivering new courses.
If you are worried about planning, resourcing and delivering a new course in the Egyptian context for the first time, Jodie Ford will offer advice about how to confidently deliver an Egyptian Ancient History General or ATAR course. Jodie will be addressing some of the common misconceptions and sharing her ideas about how to use the Syllabus documents to plan content and assessment.
11.50-12.30 Session 3: General Course teachers are invited to a short planning and discussion workshop.
This will be an opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and swap teaching techniques and ideas for the EST or any other aspect of the General Ancient History courses. Bring along any teaching/learning resources you are happy to share.
HTAWA Teacher Workshops
HTAWA is running two professional learning opportunities for History teachers on the Saturday 7th May to coincide with the Student Seminar Day. Aimed at supporting teachers to implement the upper school curriculum, these sessions will focus on practical support in teaching, developing and assessing source analysis skills.
Session 1 is aimed at supporting ATAR courses, using real examples to show how to support your students in improving their skills in source analysis.
Session 2 is aimed at supporting General courses, with a specific focus on the Externally Standardised Task (EST).
The sessions are concurrent, will run for 2 hours (9.30-11.30) and will be in Tannock Hall at Notre Dame University.
The sessions are free for HTAWA members or $20 for non-members, you need to register online here.
HTAWA Conference Saturday 19th March - Notre Dame University
Shift in the Paradigm
Look under the Home Tab for more deatils and the link to register and pay.
Registrations from 8:30 in Prindiville Hall, Croak Street Fremantle on March 19th.
Teachmeet this Thursday 5th November
As a follow-up to our very successful TM_History held earlier this year at the State Library of WA, this exciting
Teachmeet will begin a series of Local Heritage Teachmeets that will demonstrate the value of collaborating with historians to
source local stories and programs through active community engagement.
Local Heritage features prominently in our History Curriculum and this Teachmeet will showcase a range of digital resources, developed by various GLAM educators to bring history alive and readily available for classroom and community use.
Presenters will be teachers, students and GLAM community educators (from Galleries,Libraries, Archives or Museums).
Special thanks to the history staff at The Grove Library for hosting this exciting Teachmeet event and stay tuned for more Local Heritage Teachmeets in 2016at various GLAM locations around the metropolitan area (and perhaps regional hubs) .
Optional - Continue the networking from 6.30pm at The Albion Hotel on Stirling Highway for a drink and/or dinner after this TeachMeet GLAM event...all welcome!
Tickets here
This will be on afternoon of the ATAR exam, Friday
November 6th, at the Oxford Hotel at 4.30 pm.
Nomination forms for the HTAWA Committee can be downloaded here.
A series of Year 11 Student Seminar Days are being conducted as follows:
October 24 - Nazism in Germany
Tickets can be purchased online here
Local History PD for Primary Teachers Grove Libary Cottesloe
Local Heritage Teachmeet Thursday November 5th . Presenters will be teachers, students and GLAM ( Galleries, Libraries, Archives or Museum)
Teacher Educators. Details here
Workshop at Art Gallery of WA September 11
Treasure Ships
Information here
Workshop for lower Secondary History Teachers 20th October 2015
The One World Centre and the Medical Association for Prevention of War present a 2 hour workshop for lower
secondary History Teachers on 20th October, from 4-6pm. Teachers often feel conflicted about teaching war history in the secondary
classroom. This workshop provides teachers with a new resource produced by the History Teachers Association of Victoria,
which aims to support teachers who want to inspire critical understanding of the real and lasting impact of war on veterans, civilians and
society. Participants will receive a digital copy of the resource which has been designed to align with the Australian Curriculum: History.
The workshop will be introduced by BRIAN CLEAVER, who featured in David Bradbury's recent film “The
Crater – a vietnam war story”.
Register at OR contact Leigh,
HTAA Conference September 2015
National History Teachers Conference details here
Storify of Tweets
From Conference here
Freycinet Suite Recital-World Premiere Performance
An amazing opportunity to be part of history!! On August 30 at Government House Ballroom, the world premiere of the Freycinet Suite will be performed by the Perth Baroque Ensemble in public and you can be there!
This musical journey, composed by renowned musician Dr Georg Corall is inspired by the Freycinet Collection held in the State Library.
The collection includes the first detailed charting of the Swan River made on Louis de Freycinet’s global mission sailing from France on the Uranie (1817-1820).
Through the music you will cross the wild and unpredictable oceans, arrive onto the shores of Western Australia and see the same extraordinary landscapes.
The recital will also include music by Haydn and Lully.
To book for this once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity, please click here
For more information please contact the State Library of Western Australia Foundation on 9427 3105 or email
Student Seminar Days
A series of Year 12 Student Seminar Days are being conducted as follows:
August 29 - Ancient History
August 29 - Bunbury Modern History
September 5 - Fremantle Modern History
Tickets can be purchased online here
Unit 3 & 4 PD Workshop
This workshop will focus on developing programs for secondary schools and available resources for the 2016 ATAR Modern History course.
Unit 3: Russia and the Soviet Union 1914 - 1945 and
Unit 4 (concurrent sessions): The Changing European World since 1945 or Australia's Engagement with Asia or The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East.
DATE: Saturday 22nd August 2015
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (light morning tea included)
VENUE: Warwick SHS, Erindale Rd, Warwick
COST: $20 NB: No Charge for HTAWA Members (registration still required)
Numbers are limited so please register early to ensure a place.
Egyptology talk at MLC
Professor Susanne Bickel, director of the Basel's Kings' Valley Project, will present a talk on "Royal Families, Robbers and Priests:
new research in the Valley of the Kings". This exciting professional learning opportunity has been made possible by MLC,
Macquarie University and the Western Australian Museum.
DATE: Saturday 1st August, 2015
TIME: 2.00 - 4.00pm
WHERE: MLC Lee Auditorium
Places are limited and pre-registration is essential.
For more details download the flyer.
Historical Enquiry Workshop
Do you want to make your historical inquiries more than a ‘google-based’ research assignment?
Do you want to teach real skills in historical inquiry by using engaging, rich tasks?
Have you ever entered your students in the National History Challenge?
Are you thinking of giving it a go this year, but don’t know where to start?
Do you wonder what the judges are looking for?
Then this is the Professional Learning experience for you!
DATE: Saturday 13th June, 2015
TIME: 9.00am – 11.00pm (light morning tea provided)
VENUE: Mt Lawley SHS – Staff Room
Woodsome Street
Mount Lawley
COST: No Charge (registration still required)
Historical Enquiry Workshop
Click here for more information about this exciting opportunity.
History Seminar June 26th
Histed Chats
Search for #histedchat on Twitter. These happen every second Wednesday 6.30 pm Perth time (5.30 pm in Summer). The link for the Storify for
the May 6th #histedchat is here.
Teachmeet WA June 4th
Google Hangout on Air available here
from 4pm June 4th
Teachmeet Agenda available here
Follow on Twitter. Search for #tmwa
Student Seminar Day
The History Teachers’ Association of Western Australia is one of the leading providers of student seminars and WACE History revision programs in Western Australia. We are a non-profit organisation and all our seminars are conducted by well respected and experienced History teachers and WACE markers.
DATE: Saturday 2nd May 2015
TIME: 9.00am – 12.30pm (Registration – 8.30am)
VENUE: Education Building
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!
COST: $20 (Year 11 sessions)
$25 (Year 12 pre-ordered and pre-paid tickets)
$30 (Year 12 on the day)
No Charge for HTAWA Member
Book online here
“Understanding the WACE” guides will be on sale for $25 each.
YEAR 11 |
YEAR 12 |
Capitalism: the American experience
Extensive notes will be provided! |
Concurrent Revision Sessions:
Australia 1920s-1950s,
Australia 1950s-1990s
Extensive notes will be provided! |
Source Analysis and Essay Writing Skills for Teachers
DATE: Saturday 2nd May 2015 (Concurrent with Student Seminars)
TIME: 9.10am – 10.40am (Registration – from 8.30am)
VENUE: Education Building
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle
Corner of Croke Street and Cliff Street, look for the signs!
COST: $20
No Charge for HTAWA Members (registration
still required)
Numbers are limited so please register here to ensure a place.
HTAWA PD Dates for 2015 (More will be added as they are confirmed)
Term 2 - Week 7 Teachmeet History. Thursday 4th June at 4.30 pm State Library of Western Australia. Register here
Term 3 - Week 6 Thursday 27th August After School. Topic - Year 12 2016 ATAR Content
Term 4 - Week 7 Thursday 26th November After School. Topic - Year 12 2016 ATAR Skills
HTAWA 2015 State Conference.
Connect Engage Respond
Mount Lawley Senior High School. 9am Saturday March 28th 2015
Streams for Primary and Secondary Teachers
Key Note Speaker Simon McKenzie (@connectedtchr)
Registrations now open, online or download the form.
Conference Programme available here
For those on twitter follow @wa_hta and use #htawa15 as the hashtag.
Maximising Feedback Workshop Thursday March 5th 4.15 for 4.30 Perth Modern School .
Message from HTAWA Vice President Cathy Baron :
HTAWA (History Teachers Association for all those new to the wonderful world of History teaching) is holding a special, free professional
learning event on Thursday March 5th Perth Modern School. This PL will look at how to get the best from your maximising feedback sheets (so
make sure you bring them along), an overview of the examiners report on the 2014 WACE paper and for all those new to upper school history
teaching a special section on making sure you are getting things right- sort of a how to start. There will be afternoon tea from 4.15 for a
4.30 start and should go to about 6pm. We will be meeting in the lecture theatre.
All upper school history teachers are encouraged to attend as there are some important messages in regards to helping your kiddies do well in WACE to share and if you are new (or returning) this will be a great forum to make a contact or two who can provide you with support (we all work better as a team- I need a collective noun for History teachers- maybe a genius of History teachers???)
Please email or with your RSVP for catering purposes.
History Chat on Twitter Wednesday 4th March 5.30 pm WA Time
For those on twitter use #histedchat to access the live discussion that occurs every second Wednesday in term time at 8.30 pm Eastern
Australian time. Most of the participants are Australian History teachers.Click here
for a storify of the #histedchat on Februrary 18th.
Maximising Feedback Workshop Thursday March 5th 4.15 for 4.30 Perth Modern School .
Message from HTAWA Vice President Cathy Baron :
HTAWA (History Teachers Association for all those new to the wonderful world of History teaching) is holding a special, free professional
learning event on Thursday March 5th Perth Modern School. This PL will look at how to get the best from your maximising feedback sheets (so
make sure you bring them along), an overview of the examiners report on the 2014 WACE paper and for all those new to upper school history
teaching a special section on making sure you are getting things right- sort of a how to start. There will be afternoon tea from 4.15 for a
4.30 start and should go to about 6pm. We will be meeting in the lecture theatre.
All upper school history teachers are encouraged to attend as there are some important messages in regards to helping your kiddies do well in WACE to share and if you are new (or returning) this will be a great forum to make a contact or two who can provide you with support (we all work better as a team- I need a collective noun for History teachers- maybe a genius of History teachers???)
Please email or with your RSVP for catering purposes.
History Chat on Twitter Wednesday 4th March 5.30 pm WA Time
For those on twitter use #histedchat to access the live discussion that occurs every second Wednesday in term time at 8.30 pm Eastern
Australian time. Most of the participants are Australian History teachers.Click here
for a storify of the #histedchat on Februrary 18th.